I'm using the bundled Tomcat from Bonita download page : BOS-5.6.1-Tomcat-6.0.33.zip I succesfully call the REST API from another webapp, but now I want to supervise my changes from the User XP. I configured the server and its config files as explained in this article http://www.bonitasoft.org/blog/tutorial … -http-api/.
Then I deployed the bonita USER XP webapp but when I'm trying to log in, I run into this error :
18 janv. 2012 16:11:21 org.ow2.bonita.services.impl.DefaultCommandService execute GRAVE: exception while executing command org.ow2.bonita.facade.rest.RESTServerAPIInterceptorCommand@49dd63c9: Unexpected Exception arrived in Bonita: License Error 27 18 janv. 2012 16:11:21 org.bonitasoft.console.server.login.ConsoleLoginServletExt consoleLoginOnDomain GRAVE: Auto authentication failed on domain: null java.lang.RuntimeException at org.bonitasoft.console.server.login.ConsoleLoginServlet.consoleLogin(ConsoleLoginServlet.java:216) ...
As it says it is a license problem, I put my license file into the folder "BOS-5.6.1-Tomcat-6.0.33\bonita\server\licenses\", but now I get this slightly different error :
18 janv. 2012 16:40:02 org.ow2.bonita.services.impl.DefaultCommandService execute GRAVE: exception while executing command org.ow2.bonita.facade.rest.RESTServerAPIInterceptorCommand@4ea14b94: Unexpected Exception arrived in Bonita: License Error 42,27 18 janv. 2012 16:40:02 org.bonitasoft.console.server.login.ConsoleLoginServletExt consoleLoginOnDomain GRAVE: Auto authentication failed on domain: null java.lang.RuntimeException at org.bonitasoft.console.server.login.ConsoleLoginServlet.consoleLogin(ConsoleLoginServlet.java:216) ...
My license is a standard SP license.
Do you have any insights about this issue ? I couldn't find anything in the forum or in the internet...
Thank you in advance.
Thank you for your reply.
I reinstalled the wole thing on a fresh new install on Tomcat 7, and I still had the same error license. I figured out that in fact the problem came from the number of CPUs my machine has (4). It seems that my license have been generated for a 2 CPUs machine, so by forcing my Tomcat to use only 2 cores, everything works fine now.
For information, here is the command I use (Found in the BOS-5.5.1-installation-guide-tomcat-rev1.pdf):
cmd /C start /AFFINITY 3 catalina.bat start
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